Listen to Carol Discuss Caregiving Topics with Interviewers
All Home Care Matters: AlzAuthors 10th Anniversary
Vlog: Upside to Aging on YouTube
Booming Encore Sound Bites: Sibling Conflicts Around Caregiving with Carol Bradley Bursack
Caregiving: “It chose me,” Insightful interview with Carol by Nicole Christina of Zestful Aging
Caregiving with Carol Bradley Bursack: Podcast with
Geriatrician Dr. Magda interviews Carol on wide-ranging caregiving topics.
Helene Stelia: Carol Bradley Bursack, Advocate for caregivers and elders
Podcast: Caregiver SOS ONAir on KLUP 930 AM with Ron Aaron and Gerontologist Carol Zernial
Doing What Works: Interview with Carol on Caregiving Challenges
Putting Mom In A Care Facility on NPR's Talk of the Nation
Sibling Conflicts in Caregiving with Dr. Anne Hallward on Safe Space Radio
· Testimonials from Interviewers ·
Carol's kindness and compassion for the myriad of issues and feelings we as caregivers endure is unmatched. Speaking to Carol is like talking to a wise, trusted friend who has seen it all, or heard it all and isn’t afraid to share advice with you to help you through your own trying times.
– Rosanne Corcoran, Daughterhood The Podcast Host/Producer
Carol Bradley Bursack, author of Minding Our Elders: Caregivers Share Their Personal Stories, and expert on caregiving, was an absolute pleasure to have as my guest on the Zestful Aging Podcast. Her humility, expertise and helpful advice were the perfect blend for our audience. Interviewing her was more like having a conversation with a trusted friend over coffee. Carol's caring and compassion came through very clearly in our conversation. She didn't sugar coat the experience of caretaking one's elders; she was honest about the complexities of the parent/child relationship, which was very validating. Additionally, her humor and buttery voice made for a lovely conversation. I look forward to following her work.
…Nicole Christina, LCSW, Host and creator, Zestful Aging Podcast
Carol, thanks so much for being a guest on Caregiver SOS on Air. We enjoyed our conversation and your kind words. As we mentioned, we hope to have you back later this year.
…Carol Zerniel for Caregiving SOS on KLUP 930 AM
I had such a wonderful experience working with Carol. Our interview felt more like a conversation between two friends than a sterile question and answer, which is a pure reflection of her love and dedication to this field. I welcome the chance to work and speak with her again and look forward to sharing her interview with so many family caregivers in need of her services and perspective!
I hope you enjoy the video, and please feel free to share your channels as well! I look forward to connecting again in the future!! Thank you!!
…Molly Wisniewski:The Upside to Aging
Carol, Thank you for your time. You were great! I am sure you'll be hearing us again on this subject matter. Thanks again.
…Dalia Martinez | Talk of the Nation | npr
Carol Bradley Bursack was a delightful guest. She clearly is very knowledgeable about the subject of care giving and offered our listeners excellent advice. Along the way Carol shared personal stories that were not only entertaining and but brought a perspective many listeners could easily relate to. Carol was professional and well spoken. She made our job easy and was a pleasure to work with on Communication360.
…Lisa and Philip MulfordCo-hosts, Communication360
Wow! Did that half hour scream by. Your information was so magnetic I was stunned when the clock said it was time to end the show! Your depth of experience and warm dedication toward the elderly shined through your words of encouragement. You were just what I wanted my for my listeners. Your heartfelt insight about “Parenting Our Parents” brings a much needed message of love, hope and direction to those caring for aging parents. On top of that, you made the interview a breeze for me! When your schedule permits, I'd love to have you back on the show again.
… Martin Sabel – Mr. Eldercare
Just wanted to say thanks for participating in last night’s program. Your thoughts were insightful and important and from what I have been able to gather so far from viewers and colleagues, the information was well received and helpful. I hope we can speak again in the future.
…Brian A. Content, News DirectorWHDT-TV Miami-Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach WHDN-TV Boston
Carol is a great interview. She is knowledgeable about her topic and talks easily when asked questions. Her book is also a good read. My family has recently been dealing with some of the issues involving aged love ones. It was very comforting to read the stories in Carol's book if only to know that our family is not alone in dealing with the issues we've been confronted with.
…Kim Love KROE/KZWY/KYTI/KWYO/KLQQ RadioSheridan, Wyoming
Don't think that Carol's specialty isn't of interest. Even though most of our “youth obsessed” culture is in denial over it, she has a wonderful way of bringing the issue to the airwaves in a fresh, non-intimidating way. All of us baby boomers need to get a firm grip on “elder care” before it overtakes us, and it will overtake all of us! Her approach is not just clinical know how, it is heartfelt and rich in experience, that makes for riveting radio. Just what people caught up in the middle of it need.
…John Counsell Late Night Counsell CFRA AM 580 radio Ottawa, Canada
I have had Carol on a number of times on my show and each time she brings very insightful and heart-felt information. Her understanding of the challenges of care giving are outstanding, realistic and far from clinical. We plan on having her on again.
…Ron Thulin, The Ron Thulin ShowRadio 1310 AMSan Antonio, Texas
No one speaks on behalf of the elderly more articulately than Carol Bradley Bursack. Her passion as a voice for seniors rang clearly as a guest on my Elderlaw Forum radio broadcast. She has a standing invitation to address my audience.
…Professor Michael Myers, Host USD Senior Legal Helpline
We were extremely pleased with not only the message you shared with our listeners but also the sincerity in which it was delivered. You came across articulate and well-informed, and we received positive comments regarding your true advocacy for caregivers. Good luck, Carol. We will put you on our short list to invite back very soon.
…Michael Haynie, Show Host – Positive MomentumKBAR 1230AM
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